Help out and receive a free wristband and tee-shirt
We are looking for volunteers to help make the street festival a huge success. Below are the roles and times where help is needed. Each volunteer will receive a free wristband that will get you discounts while at the festival and a free WC Pride tee-shirt.
Saturday, June 1, 2024
Vendor Set-up
(*Chalking out vendor spaces, traffic control, vendor assistance, etc.)
7am-10:30am (4 people)
Stage Set-up/Decorating (*Helping to decorate the stages, etc.)
9am – 12pm (4 people)
Vendor Coordination (*Helping vendors with questions, checking if they have needs, etc.)
10:30am – 1:30pm (2 people)
WC Pride Booth (*Merchandise, answer questions about festival, meeting point for Volunteer check-in)
12pm – 3pm (5 people)
3pm – 6pm (5 people)
Kids Area (Bouncy House Attendant, etc.)
11am – 2:30pm (4 people)
2:30pm – 5:30pm (4 people)
Roamers-Break Relief/Trash Management (*Trash Management and Volunteer Relief)
1:30pm – 4pm (2 people)
4pm – 6:30pm (2 people)
Stage Help (*Assist Jared with stages/artist’s needs, VIP Greeters)
2pm – 6pm (3 people)
6pm – 9pm (3 people)
Takedown/Clean-Up (*Vendor load out, Booth teardown, garbage control, packing supplies)
5:30pm – 7pm (6 people)
Sunday, June 2, 2024
Street Clean-up (*Cleaning the streets & picking up trash)
9am (4 people) *should be a quick clean up, no more than 1 ½ hour.
Please sign up by Friday May 17th where you can volunteer including your shirt size.
To sign up, click the link below, or email us at